Minority Ethnic History Research Guide

A Research Guide to Sources for the Study of Minority Ethnic History

Funded by The Anti-Racist Wales Culture, Heritage and Sport Fund

Project partners Norena Shopland and Race Council Cymru

This guide has been produced by Glamorgan Archives to support researchers of minority ethnic histories. It signposts researchers to collections of interest and methods of identifying previously unrecognised or underrepresented individuals and communities. Using case studies based on material held in the archive, it demonstrates pathways to uncovering minority histories. The guide represents a significant step towards ensuring ethnic minority communities are acknowledged, understood, and celebrated as an integral part of Glamorgan’s heritage, and it has a vital role in promoting historical inclusivity, social cohesion, and future research in Wales.

Content Warning

This research guide contains offensive language, including but not limited to racial slurs, derogatory terms, and other forms of discriminatory language. These terms are included for the purpose of research within a historical context. However, readers are advised that encountering such language may be distressing or triggering.

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