Depositing Records

Glamorgan Archives exists to collect, preserve and provide access to records that relate to the people and places of the former counties of Mid and South Glamorgan.  We are always keen to acquire records of historical significance.  Our Collection Policy outlines the sort of records that we collect.

How do I deposit records?

Private individuals and organisations

Firstly, contact us by e-mail, post, telephone or in person to discuss the records in question. This will ensure that they comply with our Collection Policy. If necessary, we can arrange a visit by an archivist to take a look at the records and, if we can accept them arrange their delivery or collection. We can also advise on alternatives if we cannot accept them.

Handy Hints for Depositors

Records can be given to the Archives in a number of ways.

By gift, where ownership of the material passes to the Glamorgan Archives Joint Committee on behalf of its constituent authorities.

On deposit, where you retain the ownership of the items in question. Depositors enter into an agreement with the Glamorgan Archives regarding the use, retention and preservation of these items. This agreement is outlined in our terms of deposit policy document.

Local authorities

The Glamorgan Archives accepts transfers from our constituent authorities of records selected for permanent preservation.

Which local authority records should be transferred to the Glamorgan Archives for permanent retention?

If you have records you believe may be suitable for transfer to the Archives, contact us by e-mail, mail or telephone. We can then discuss the items in question, and if necessary arrange a visit to evaluate them on-site.

You may also wish to contact your Local Authority’s Records/Information Manager who may have procedures in place for records transfer.

What will happen to the records that I deposit?

All documents are stored in secure strong rooms in carefully controlled atmospheric conditions to preserve them for the future, always adhering to our Preservation Policy.  We are always happy to give you a tour of our facilities so you can see how your records will be cared for.

Subject to your agreement, records will be listed and made available to the public for research.  We take our Data Protection responsibilities very seriously, and so will restrict access to records containing sensitive personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

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