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Our electronic catalogue contains descriptions of over 250,000 items in our collections and is regularly updated with descriptions of new collections we receive and new catalogues we create.

You can search descriptions of collections held at Glamorgan Archives and those held at other record offices and archives in Wales, on the Archives Wales website.

If you find something of interest, we can supply more detailed information on request.

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Hughesovka Research Archive

Glamorgan Archives has collected together a large number of records relating to Hughesovka in the Hughesovka Research Archive. It contains material relating to John Hughes and his family, the works and the town, the British families who lived there, and more – and includes hundreds of fascinating photographs. The collection illustrates the achievements of one of the highly skilled Welsh emigrants who founded and developed industries around the world.

View a summary list of the collections held at Glamorgan Archives that relate to Hughesovka. Many of the Hughesovka collections are also listed in detail in our catalogue

Glamorgan’s Blood: Dark Arteries, Old Veins

Glamorgan Archives received funding from the Wellcome Trust to catalogue the records of the coal industry in South Wales. Our ‘Glamorgan’s Blood’ exhibition was funded by Welsh Government through the Archives and Records Council Wales. It launched in October 2019 and was on display at Glamorgan Archives until the end of last year.

The exhibition was due to travel to venues across south Wales during 2020.  We were only a few months into the tour when, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, we had to draw it to a close.  The exhibition banners are now packed away until we can resume the tour.

In the meantime, we’ve added the exhibition content to our website so that it can be viewed and enjoyed from home.

Headgear with NCB flag, Nantgarw Colliery, 1952 (DNCB/14/4/87/70)

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