

Enquiries can be made in person by Visiting Us

You can also contact us with queries by e-mail at:

Or you can contact us by post at:

Glamorgan Archives
Clos Parc Morgannwg
CF11 8AW

We can answer initial requests for information free of charge.

If you have a particular enquiry you may wish to submit it to us using our Enquiry Form

Enquiry Form (Word Format)

Enquiry Form (pdf)


Research Service

If you have a more in-depth query, or if you would like us to undertake specific research on your behalf, we offer a paid research service.

There is a minimum charge of £45, or £90 for commercial firms, for up to an hour’s work. We aim to reply within 15 working days. Please give as much information as possible when requesting research; for help in compiling your request please see our notes on Structuring an enquiry.

Requests for research should be in writing, preferably by using our Research Application Form

Research Application Form (Word Format)

Research Application Form (pdf)


Request for research should be accompanied by payment. The following are accepted payment methods:

  • Cheque, in sterling and drawn on a British bank, made payable to Cardiff Council
  • Postal Order, made payable to Cardiff Council
  • On-line payment, details on request.

We regret that we are unable to accept cheques drawn on non-British banks.

Please post your research request and payment to Glamorgan Archives at the address above.

The Glamorgan Archivist reserves the right to refuse any research request.


One-to-One Consultations

If you can’t visit Glamorgan Archives in person, then book an online one-to-one consultation with one of our staff.

What do we do?

  • Research consultation

If you’re researching a particular topic and are unsure how the Archives can help, we’re happy to discuss your research with you and recommend sources from our collection which may be of use.

  • Copying consultation

When making a request for copies it can be difficult to narrow down exactly which sections of a document you’d like reproduced.  We can show you the documents and help you to pin point exactly which items or pages you’d like us to copy on your behalf.


What don’t we do?

  • Research consultation
    • We aren’t able to undertake research of documents on your behalf via the virtual consultation. If you’d like us to do some research for you then contact us by email to commission a search.
    • We can’t read out passages from documents. Please contact us by email to commission a search if you would like us to go into this sort of detail for you.
    • Although we can advise on family history research, we cannot talk you through the use of online resources such as Ancestry and Find My Past.
    • Please note that detailed guidance on how to search our catalogue is available through the online catalogue, by selecting ‘How to Search Canfod’ from the menu on the left of the screen.
  • Copying consultation
    • We aren’t able to show pages from documents for you to read through, although we can help you decide which pages you’d like copied so that you can read them at home.
    • We can only show you a limited number of documents due to the time available and staff will be happy to advise on this.
    • Documents must be ordered in advance and cannot be produced during the session.


How does it work?

  • Sessions are available at the following times:
    • Tuesday 10.30am
    • Tuesday 2.30pm
    • Thursday 10.30am
    • Thursday 2.30pm
  • Sessions are delivered on Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Facetime and are limited to 40 minutes. Please let us know your preferred platform when booking.
  • To book a session, contact us by email with a note on what you’d like to discuss and your preferred date and time. Staff will confirm and schedule the meeting.
  • For copying consultations, prior to your session take a look at the catalogue entry for the items so that you know how many to expect and have an idea of the contents.


How much does it cost?

  • The cost of a one-to-one consultation with a member of staff is £45

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