Cardiff City Corporation Roll of Honour and the Battle of Mametz Wood 7-12 July 1916
To commemorate the centenary of the Battle of Mametz Wood, Rosemary Nicholson researched the men whose names are recorded as having served at Mametz within the Cardiff City Corporation Roll of Honour held at Glamorgan Archives.
The roll of honour records the name, address, age, rank and regiment of these soldiers, providing a starting point for the research which appears in her booklet. Some of the names have revealed an interesting hidden history of information, whereas other names did not reveal very much at all.
This is the first of two documents researching Mametz Wood produced by Rosemary.
16th (Cardiff City) Battalion, Welsh Regiment Roll of Honour, Mametz Wood 7-12 July 1916
This is the second of two documents researching Mametz Wood produced by Rosemary Nicholson.
This document commemorates members of the 16th (Cardiff City) Battalion, Welsh Regiment who also met their end at Mametz Wood.
These research papers on the Cardiff City Corporation Roll of Honour were presented to Glamorgan Archives by the author, Rosemary Nicholson, and appear on our website with her kind permission.
Cardiff City Employees
To commemorate the centenary of the First World War, Rosemary Nicholson has researched the people whose names appear on the Roll of Honour of Employees of Cardiff Corporation killed in the First World War, along with the accompanying application forms for inclusion on the Roll and letters from relatives.
The research is arranged according to the department of the Corporation in which the individual employee worked at the time of joining up.