Work Experience

Work Experience at Glamorgan Archives

Currently we are unable to offer new volunteer or work experience placements. We will update this page when our situation changes.

Work experience placements are normally undertaken by students and school pupils. Work experience gives you a valuable insight into a career in Archives and Archive Conservation.

We try to make placements as varied as possible involving:

  • cleaning and packaging records,
  • listing new collections,
  • digitisation,
  • work on our electronic catalogue, and
  • answering remote enquires.

All work is carried out under the direct supervision of a trained member of staff.


For students looking for experience prior to application for a postgraduate archive management course the opportunities offered meet the guidelines provided by FARMER – Forum for Archives and Records Management Education and Research.

If you are interested in a work experience placement please contact us for further information.

You may also find it useful to read our Volunteers Policy and to take a look at our Application form for Work Experience and Voluntary Placements.

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