Conservation Services

Glamorgan Archives has capacity to share the expertise of its Conservation Team with external organisations seeking assistance with conservation or preservation work.

Staff can carry out preservation surveys to facilitate planning a conservation programme and to enable the most cost effective use of any conservation budget.

The conservation studio also undertakes outside work for members of the public.

Conservator £45.00 per hour
Conservator, Day Visit £270.00 + travel costs
Conservator, Half Day Visit £135.00 + travel costs
Preservation Assistant £25.00 per hour
Preservation Assistant, Day Visit £150.00 + travel costs
Preservation Assistant, Half Day Visit £75.00 + travel costs


Our conservators are trained in the repair and preventative conservation of books, maps, plans, posters, paper of all kinds, parchment, wax seals and some treatments on photographic material. We cannot undertake work on paintings, ceramic, metal, wood or textiles but can suggest alternative suppliers.

Cleaning and Packaging

Over the years documents and archival material can become dirty or infested with mould or insects.  With specialist equipment these can be safely cleaned.  At Glamorgan Archives staff are experienced in removing infestations, and in cleaning and packaging documents. We can clean and package books, maps, plans, posters, photographs, parchment documents, wax seals and polyester negatives.

Surveys, Reports and Training

Specialist cleaning equipment and cleaning being undertaken.

This service is suitable for individuals, societies and organisations with collections, archive offices working to meet the Archive Service Accreditation Standard and institutions applying for grant funding.  We can assist with:

  • Undertaking building assessments including the monitoring and analysis of environmental conditions.
  • The development of collections care policies, procedures and action plans, including emergency preparedness plans.
  • The preparation of condition reports and treatment plans for specific collections or individual items.
  • Site visits to advise and offer training on the following topics:
    • Housekeeping including pest management and environmental monitoring.
    • Identification of damaged collections and preventative actions.
    • Recording of assessments and treatments on CALM
    • Document handling, cleaning and packaging.
    • Volunteers’ roles in collections care.

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