
The conservation studio  carries out treatments on a wide range of material including:

  • Books
  • Documents
  • Photographs
  • Parchment
  • Seals
  • Maps and plans

Our specially designed wall board allows us to repair maps up to three metres by four metres in size.

Looking after your own archives

Do you have a collection of old family documents and photographs at home?


Our conservation staff are always happy to offer advice on how to best store and care for these documents. You can contact us by email, telephone or mail to discuss your records, and if necessary we can arrange a consultation.

Basic advice and guidance can also be found in our conservation leaflet

Purchase storage and packaging material

Storing materials correctly is a big step towards ensuring their preservation for the future. Acid free packaging materials will help slow down the process of deterioration. Purchasing a small amount of archival quality packaging materials for personal use can be expensive. The Glamorgan Archives therefore offers these items for sale. For full details of the range stocked, along with the prices please follow this link

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